
Tramin Sensual Pleasures

Behind the scenery
of wine production in South Tyrol.

20 – 22. april 2023

An event that shows how much there is to discover in Tramin.
Tramin is an enchanting and impressive wine village in the Bozen & environs region. It is the place of origin of the world-renowned Gewürztraminer vine, and home of some of the most important South Tyrolean wineries and distilleries.

Start, Thursday 20 april 2023

2023/04/20 10:00:00

What awaits me
during the Tramin Sensual Pleasures?

Look forward to a 3-day tour through wineries and distilleries in Tramin.
A great opportunity to look behind the scenes.


*Participation is only possible with a valid EU Covid certificate!

Programme 2023

The program follows.

Join this discovery journey and experience a feast for the senses on each and every day!

Information & Registration

Tourism Association Tramin
+ 39 0471 860131, info@tramin.com, Contact

Are you looking for the right accomodation?

These houses offer a holiday package for the Sensual Pleasures!

The room rates are quoted per person and 4 nights (including the participation at the Sensual Pleasures), additionally local tax
The appartment rates are quoted for 2 persons and 4 nights (including the participation at the Sensual Pleasures), additionally local tax

Theme weeks and holiday packages

Accommodation Tramin - South Tyrol

web compusol, diewanderer